Results for 'Eseohe Glory Okoedion'

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  1.  12
    A Philosophical Perspective of Annang Values Education and Its Implication for the Creation of a New Technological Africa.Lambert Peter Ukanga, Eseohe Glory Okoedion & Udom Martins Solomon - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophy 7 (4):141.
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    Luigi Stefanini e l'antropologia filosofica contemporanea.Glori Cappello & Renato Pagotto (eds.) - 2011 - Padova: CLEUP.
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    ‘The apostle of free trade:’ Adam Smith and the nineteenth-century American trade debates.Glory M. Liu - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (2):210-223.
    ABSTRACTThis paper examines the diversity of uses of Adam Smith’s ideas in nineteenth-century American debates about the tariff. Legislative debates about American trade policy ran almost uninterrupted from the 1820s to the end of the century; as a result, they provide an abundance of examples of the ways in which legislators marshaled economic ideas to shape political discourse and influence policy. Smith’s causal ideas about free trade and its effects were referenced in policymaking, and Smith’s intellectual authority was often invoked (...)
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    Countering Expert Uncertainty: Rhetorical Strategies from the Case of Value-Added Modeling in Teacher Evaluation.Glory Tobiason - 2019 - Minerva 57 (1):109-126.
    This study investigates how uncertainty works in science policy debates by considering an unusual case: one in which uncertainty-based arguments for delay come from the scientific community, rather than industry actors. The case I present is the central use of value-added modeling in the evaluation of individual teachers, a controversial trend in education reform. In order to understand how policy actors might counter inconvenient statements of uncertainty from experts, I analyze speeches from Education Secretary Arne Duncan, a committed and influential (...)
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    The Politics of the Excluded: The Political Thought of Wong Chin Foo.Glory M. Liu - 2024 - Political Theory 52 (6):869-896.
    This article examines the concepts of citizenship and exclusion in the writings of the nineteenth-century Chinese American figure Wong Chin Foo (1847–1898) and situates his works within the context of Chinese Exclusion in the United States. Against a backdrop of intensifying racial violence and legal and social exclusion, Wong repudiated racial stereotypes that were used to justify Chinese exclusion. He argued that the Chinese were culturally and morally distinctive but assimilable to American society. Central to his argumentative strategy was his (...)
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    Expertise Gaps in Value-Added Modeling: Are We Consulting the Right Experts?Glory Tobiason - 2014 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 34 (5-6):183-191.
    This study introduces the notion of an “expertise gap,” a mismatch between researcher expertise and research content. I show that these gaps can exist and warrant our attention in research endeavors that involve multidisciplinarity embedded in complex research designs. Writing as an education researcher concerned with educator quality, I show that several expertise gaps are embedded in a particular statistical approach to the measurement of teacher effectiveness: the use of value-added models. My analysis lays out the basic argument structure behind (...)
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  7. Niccolo Cusano nella corrispondenza di Briconnet con Margherita di Navarra.«.Glori Cappello - 1975 - Medioevo 1:97-128.
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    Uomo e persona in Luigi Stefanini.Glori Cappello & Renato Pagotto (eds.) - 2012 - Padova: CLEUP.
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    The Classroom as Privileged Space: Psychoanalytic Paradigms for Social Justice in Pedagogy.Glorie Taponeswa Chimbganda - 2017 - Lexington Books.
    This book examines the psychic and emotional effects of the dehumanization of children based on discrimination and difference in classrooms. Using psychoanalysis, it highlights the emotional structures that develop in learners through the repeated trauma of racism and homophobia. Recommended for scholars in education, psychoanalysis, and sociology.
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    (1 other version)Review of Critical Realism, Feminism and Gender: A Reader. [REVIEW]Glory Rigueros Saavedra & David Pilgrim - forthcoming - Tandf: Journal of Critical Realism:1-10.
  11. Jimmy Go Puan Seng: Writer Mentor.Grace Glory Go - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2):383-385.
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  12. Siquijor Folk Literary Works as Reflection of Its Historical and Socio-Cultural Development.Renalyn B. Bantawig, Ferilyn B. Maraño, Mary Grace B. Lubguban, Jonah Lynn A. Juguilon, Glory J. Barrera, Dawn Iris Calibo, Philna S. Palongpalong & Expedita O. Duran - 2015 - Iamure International Journal of Literature, Philosophy and Religion 7 (1).
    This research paper centers on the folk literary works of Siquijor Island. This study analyzes the Siquijor folk literary works as a reflection of the historical and socio-cultural development of Siquijor Island. Descriptive and exploratory research methodology with triangulation method and interpretive analysis and adapting the historical, sociological and anthropological theories. The study analyzes the nature of the Siquijodnon folklore as a reflection of its historical and socio-cultural development. The results disclose that Siquijodnon folks’ lifestyle are established based on their (...)
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    Manifest Glory: Phenomenological Indications from the Hebrew Bible.Michael Fagenblat - 2015 - Sophia 54 (4):497-511.
    I offer a phenomenological analysis of the syntagm ‘glory of Yhwh’ which appears in relatively few but significant places in the Hebrew Bible. I discuss the biblical sense of this syntagm and make the argument for understanding it as a ‘formally indicative’ concept, in Heidegger’s sense of ‘formale Anzeige’. I thereby make the case for understanding the anthropomorphic, amoral and numinous qualities of the biblical syntagm in a way that illuminates contemporary phenomenological senses of being, including contingency, unforeseeability, respect, (...)
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    Divine glory in a Darwinian world.Christopher Southgate - 2014 - Zygon 49 (4):784-807.
    Faced with the ambiguities of this world, in which ugliness and suffering co-exist with beauty, the article rejects the attribution of disvalues to a Fall-event. Instead it faces God's involvement even in violence and ugliness. It explores the concept of divine glory, understood principally as a sign of the divine reality. This includes both the great theophanies of the Hebrew Bible and Jesus’ glorification in his Passion and Crucifixion. It then considers the contemplation of the natural world, using the (...)
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    Glory and the Evolution of Hobbes’s Disagreement Theory of War: From Elements to Leviathan.Arash Abizadeh - 2020 - History of Political Thought 41 (2):265-298.
    The centrality of glory, contempt, and revengefulness to Leviathan’s account of war is highlighted by three contextual features: Hobbes’s displacement of the traditional conception of glory as intrinsically intersubjective and comparative; his incorporation of the Aristotelian view that revengefulness is provoked by expressions of mere contempt; and the evolution of his account between 1640 and 1651. An archeology of Leviathan’s famous chapter thirteen confirms that Hobbes’s thesis throughout his career was that disagreement is the universal cause of war (...)
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  16.  15
    Shame & Glory of the Intellectuals.Peter Viereck - 2007 - Routledge.
    In this classic volume, written at the height of the Cold War, with a new preface of 2006, Peter Viereck, one of the foremost intellectual spokesmen of modern conservatism, examines the differing responses of American and European intellectuals to the twin threats of Nazism and Soviet communism. In so doing, he seeks to formulate a humanistic conservatism with which to counter the danger of totalitarian thought in the areas of politics, ethics, and art. The glory of the intellectuals was (...)
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    Anonymous glory.Patchen Markell - 2017 - European Journal of Political Theory 16 (1).
    Hannah Arendt’s political theory is often understood to rest on a celebration of action, the memorable words and deeds of named individuals, over against the anonymous processes constitutive of ‘labor’ and ‘society’. Yet at key moments in _The Human Condition_ and _The Origins of Totalitarianism_, Arendt seems to signal a different relationship between political action and anonymity; and she does so in part via citations of the novels of William Faulkner. Using the apparently contradictory notion of ‘anonymous glory’ as (...)
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    Glory, humiliation, and the drive to war.Nir Eisikovits - 2024 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    If wars are so bad, why do we keep fighting? Drawing on philosophy, psychology, history, and literature to explain how political leaders exploit old resentments and injuries to fuel new conflicts, this book argues that feelings of political humiliation and promises of glory are central in the drive to war.
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  19. Glory as an Ethical Idea.Timothy Chappell - 2011 - Philosophical Investigations 34 (2):105-134.
    There is a gap between what we think and what we think we think about ethics. This gap appears when elements of our ethical reflection and our moral theories contradict each other. It also appears when something that is important in our ethical reflection is sidelined in our moral theories. The gap appears in both ways with the ethical idea glory. The present exploration of this idea is a case study of how far actual ethical reflection diverges from moral (...)
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    Divine Glory: Responding to Another Euthyphro Problem.Joshua Hinchie - 2020 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 94:183-192.
    An oft-neglected issue in Plato’s Euthyphro is the problem of how human beings can reciprocate the gods’ gifts if nothing we do can benefit them. This problem is relevant to a Christian faith that proposes to “serve” God in some way, while also maintaining that God is perfect and in need of nothing from human beings. In this paper I propose a solution to this problem using the concept of divine glory as suggested by several texts of St. Thomas (...)
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  21.  21
    Glory without power? Montesquieu's trip to Holland in 1729 and his vision of the Dutch fiscal-military state.Charles-Edouard Levillain - 2010 - History of European Ideas 36 (2):181-191.
    This paper aims at setting Montesquieu's 1729 sojourn in the Dutch Republic within its specific Dutch context whilst reconsidering the impact this short period may have exerted on his work. Based on a wide variety of Dutch, English and French sources, the article offers a study of Montesquieu's Dutch networks and contacts, a comparative Franco-Dutch approach to taxation and fiscal policy and an insight into the history of the stadholderate under William IV. The main argument made in the paper is (...)
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  22.  70
    Glory in Sport (and Elsewhere).Timothy Chappell - 2013 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 73:99-128.
    There is a gap between what we think about ethics, and what we think we think about ethics. This gap appears when elements of our ethical reflection and our moral theories contradict each other, or otherwise come into logical tension. It also appears when something that is important in our ethical reflection is sidelined, or simply ignored, in our moral theories. The gap appears in both ways with an ethical idea that I shall label glory . This paper's exploration (...)
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  23. Arendt and Hobbes: Glory, Sacrificial Violence, and the Political Imagination.Peg Birmingham - 2011 - Research in Phenomenology 41 (1):1-22.
    The dominant narrative today of modern political power, inspired by Foucault, is one that traces the move from the spectacle of the scaffold to the disciplining of bodies whereby the modern political subject, animated by a fundamental fear and the will to live, is promised security in exchange for obedience and productivity. In this essay, I call into question this narrative, arguing that that the modern political imagination, rooted in Hobbes, is animated not by fear but instead by the desire (...)
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    'the glory of infinity' in 『Otherwise than Being』.Yeonsook Kim - 2016 - 동서철학연구(Dong Seo Cheol Hak Yeon Gu; Studies in Philosophy East-West) 81:379-398.
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    The Kingdom and the Glory: For a Theological Genealogy of Economy and Government.Giorgio Agamben - 2011 - Stanford University Press.
    Arguing that Western power is both "government" and "glory," this book reveals the "theological-economic" paradigm at the origin of several of the most important components of modern politics and illuminates the function of consent and the ...
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  26. Knowledge, Glory and `On Human Dignity'.Henri Atlan - 2007 - Diogenes 54 (3):11-17.
    The idea of dignity seems indissociable from that of humanity, whether in its universal dimension of ‘human dignity’, or in the individual ‘dignity of the person’. This paper provides an outlook on the ethics governing the sciences and technology, in particular the biological sciences and biotechnology, and recalls the notion of ‘glory’, both human and divine, as it infuses a great part of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance cultures, just before the scientific revolution in Europe.
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    Glory Be to Gaia.Helen Moore - 2014 - Feminist Theology 22 (2):213-214.
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    The glory of gravity—Halley's Comet 1759.Ruth Wallis - 1984 - Annals of Science 41 (3):279-286.
    During the eighty years since the publication of the Principia, Newton's theories had been popularized. Based upon them, the first predicted return of any comet aroused anticipation and then elation. Contemporary accounts in widely-read periodicals show the interest in the vindication of gravitational theory provided by fulfilment of the prediction.
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    Glory, Passions and Money in Alberti’s Della famiglia: A Humanist Reflects on the Foundations of Society.Hanan Yoran - 2015 - The European Legacy 20 (5):527-542.
    The article examines Alberti’s dialogue Della famiglia as a reflection on the foundations of ethics and politics from the perspective of humanist discourse. The polyphonic work presents and critically examines several views. The authorial voice of the text rehearses the traditional philosophical view the humanists inherited, according to which humans are sociable by nature. However, some of the interlocutors reject this convenient view, implying that it cannot be squared with the humanist critique of the premises of mainstream classical and medieval (...)
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    Glory and the Law in Hobbes.Tracy B. Strong - 2017 - European Journal of Political Theory 16 (1):61-76.
    A central argument of the _Leviathan_ has to do with the political importance of education. Hobbes wants his book to be taught in universities and expounded much in the manner that Scripture was. Only thus will citizens realize what is in their hearts as to the nature of good political order. Glory affects this process in two ways. The pursuit of glory _by a citizen_ leads to political chaos and disorder. On the other hand, _God’s_ glory is (...)
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    Do Everything for the Glory of God.W. Scott Cleveland - 2021 - Religions 9 (12):754.
    St. Paul writes, “whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10: 31 NABRE).” This essay employs the work of St. Thomas Aquinas and the recent philosophical work of Daniel Johnson (2020) on this command to investigate a series of questions that the command raises. What is glory? How does one properly act for glory and for the glory of another? How is it possible to do everything for the glory of (...)
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  32. The Glory of Man.David E. Jenkins - 1967
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    The Glory of the Lord: A Theological Aesthetics. Vol. VI: Theology: The Old Covenant by Hans Urs Von Balthasar.Donald J. Keefe - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (1):139-146.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS The Glory of the Lord: A Theological Aesthetics. Vol. VI: Theology: The Old Covenant. By HANS Uns VoN BALTHASAR. Trans. Brian McNeil, C.R.V. and Erasmo Leiva-Merikakis. Ed. John Riches. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1991. Pp. 443. In this penultimate-volume of The Glory of the Lord, von Balthasar sets forth a " biblical aesthetics " in which the manner of the emergence of the Glory (...)
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  34. The Glory of the Empty Tomb.Samuel Marinus Zwemer - 1947
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    Romantics at War: Glory and Guilt in the Age of Terrorism.George P. Fletcher - 2002 - Princeton University Press.
    America is at war with terrorism. Terrorists must be brought to justice.We hear these phrases together so often that we rarely pause to reflect on the dramatic differences between the demands of war and the demands of justice, differences so deep that the pursuit of one often comes at the expense of the other. In this book, one of the country's most important legal thinkers brings much-needed clarity to the still unfolding debates about how to pursue war and justice in (...)
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    Michel Serres and Glory.Steven Connor - 2024 - Angelaki 29 (4):127-136.
    This essay considers the abiding preoccupation with glory in Michel Serres’s work and wonders how useful it is for understanding the economies of glory in the contemporary world. Glory is often linked for Serres with violence and the assertion of power, as these are bound up both with communication and publicity. Though he uses the story of the meeting of Diogenes and Alexander to focus the contrast between temporal power and the humbler claims of knowledge, Serres is (...)
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    (1 other version)Borrowed Glory: "The Sugarland Express".A. Feenberg - 1974 - Télos 1974 (21):188-194.
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    Glory and Nostos: The Ship-Epithet Κοιλοσ in the Iliad.Matthew Ward - 2019 - Classical Quarterly 69 (1):23-34.
    In theIliadthe Achaean ships play a prominent role in the narrative; they are foregrounded as Achilles sits by his vessels in anger and threatens to sail home; as the Trojans come close to burning them; and as Hector's body lies by Achilles’ ships until ransomed. Where not in the foreground, the ships remain a consistent background; without them the Achaeans would not have reached Troy; they are an essential component of the Greek encampment; and are the unrealized potential vehicle of (...)
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  39. The Glory of Christ.John Owen & Wilbur M. Smith - 1949
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  40. Agent-regret and sporting glory.Jake Wojtowicz - 2019 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 46 (2):162-176.
    When sporting agents fail through wrongful or faulty behaviour, they should feel guilty; when they fail because of a deficiency in their abilities, they should feel shame. But sometimes we fail without being deficient and without being at fault. I illustrate this with two examples of players, Moacir Barbosa and Roberto Baggio, who failed in World Cup finals and cost their teams the greatest prize in sport. Although both players failed, I suggest that neither was at fault and neither was (...)
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    Glory or Gravity: Hutchinson vs. Newton.Albert J. Kuhn - 1961 - Journal of the History of Ideas 22 (3):303.
  42. A Conceptual Analysis of Glory.Paul Silva - 2018 - Res Philosophica 95 (3):561-582.
    While the term ‘glory’ appears most frequently in religious contexts, it is used to express concepts that are not fundamentally religious in character. Take what we consider to be our very best works of art, our most outstanding films, or our most impressive technological achievements. These are often acclaimed as being magnificent, dazzling, or spectacular. These notions are, if not quite synonymous with glory, close enough to justify the idea that the concept of glory is not far (...)
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    The Glory of Bergson.Etienne Gilson - 1947 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 22 (4):581-584.
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    The Glory of Perseverance.Michael Seed - 2004 - The Chesterton Review 30 (1/2):173-175.
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    Creatures Bound for Glory: Biotechnological Enhancement and Visions of Human Flourishing.Michael Burdett & Victoria Lorrimar - 2019 - Studies in Christian Ethics 32 (2):241-253.
    The human enhancement debate is fundamentally based on divergent ideals of human flourishing. Using the complementary, though often contrasting, foci of creaturehood and deification as fundamental to the good life, we examine these visions of human flourishing inherent in transhumanist, secular humanist and critical posthumanist positions on human enhancement. We argue that the theological anthropologies that respond to human enhancement and these other ideologies tend to emphasise either creaturehood or deification to the neglect or detriment of the other. We propose (...)
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  46. Revolution, Glory and Sacrifice: Ukraine’s Maidan and the Revival 
of a European Identity.Pavlo Smytsnyuk - 2022 - In Martin Kirschner, Europa (neu) erzählen: Inszenierungen Europas in politischer, theologischer und kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. pp. 215-236.
    The article deals with the Maidan revolution in Ukraine in 2013/14 and how it was connected to the European idea. It analyzes the performative, revolutionary and theopolitical character of the event and raises the question of what meaning the experience of the Maidan can have for the renewal of European identity. In linking the idea of Europe with the struggle for freedom and dignity, the Maidan event unfolds a communitarian and meaningful political force that connects the Ukrainian nation, the idea (...)
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    The Divine Glory and the Divine Energies.David Bradshaw - 2006 - Faith and Philosophy 23 (3):279-298.
    Is the divine glory a creature, or is it God? The awkwardness of the question suggests that there is something wrong with the dichotomy in terms of which it is posed. A similar question can be asked about the divine "energies" (erzergeiai) in the New Testament. Both of these Scriptural themes challenge us to rethink our preconceptions about the nature of God and the relationship between creatures and Creator. In this paper I describe the interpretation of the divine (...) and divine energies given by the Cappadocian Fathers of the fourth century. I argue that their view is both philosophically cogent and Scripturally sound, and is one that Christian philosophers today would do well to recover. (shrink)
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    The Glory of Yue: An Annotated Translation of the Yuejue Shu – By Olivia Milburn.Erica Brindley - 2012 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39 (1):163-165.
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    Glory over Sublimity: Karl Barth's Theological Aesthetics.Scott A. Kirkland - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (6):1010-1018.
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    Glory Liu, Adam Smith’s America: How a Scottish Philosopher Became an Icon of American Capitalism.John McHugh - 2024 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 22 (3):242-245.
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